What can we do fo you?
At EcoNation everything revolves around daylight, roofs and intelligent control of artificial light.
We advise and supervise new construction and renovation projects with a great deal of attention to daylight and the intelligent control of artificial light.
It is our ambition to turn your work environment into an inspiring space that has a positive effect on the health of employees.
Roof renovation

Is your roof in need of renovation?
Do you suffer from extremely hot buildings in the summer and are you annoyed by high heating costs in the winter?
Do your skylights or domes need to be replaced?
EcoNation guides your renovation plans with a view to creating a 'optimal' working environment.
Roof renovation

Many buildings still have outdated energy-hungry lighting. We can easily offer a solution for this
The government also lends a hand. It offers interesting subsidies that allow for a quick return on the investment.
The ideal renewable solution for businesses is:
1. Free daylight via the lightcatcher
2. Energy efficient artificial light
3. Smart control of the artificial light
We can help you from A to Z
LightCatcher in the picture
LightCatcher in the picture
Project in the spotlight
Carglass Distribution in Bilzen is equipped with 422 LightCatchers. In the warehouse of 40,000 m², approximately 175 MWh is expected to be saved annually. Concrete means this:
Artificial light can burn 2,190 hours annually with this energy
There are 8 tennis courts solar panels necessary to provide this artificial light
This energy can alternatively be used to charge 4,000 forklift batteries

Carglass Bilzen

Relighting project

Bioplanet is een trouwe klant. Heel wat van de bioplanets zijn uitgerust met de lightcatcher

Carglass Bilzen