Premiums in Flanders
Flanders no longer issues green energy certificates. Flanders sees solar energy as an investment that is sufficiently profitable in itself. Now that the storm has abated after the over-subsidization of the early years, confidence in the sector has returned. Anyone who calculates will quickly understand that PV is a much more interesting investment than savings that remain in the bank.
The arrival of the digital meter makes self-consumption even more more important. The more electricity you immediately use yourself when your solar panels generate energy, the less electricity you take from the grid.
In accordance with the decree, anyone who has solar panels installed before the end of 2020 will retain the right to the principle of the reversing counter in combination with the prosumer rate for 15 years.
Premiums in Brussels
Today, the producer who feeds unused electricity into the grid is entitled to the compensation principle. This principle makes it possible to pay only for the difference between the volumes of electricity you have taken from the grid and the volumes you have injected into the grid.
From 2020 changes that compensation principle . The compensation for the electricity injected into the grid will no longer be identical to the price of the electricity purchased. The value of the electricity supplied to the grid will therefore be lower than that of your own consumption. Why is that being introduced? With this you pay for the use of the grid when injecting electricity.
As compensation you will receive for 10 years green energy certificates , yielding ± 800 €/year. The number is determined by a green meter that is separated from your electricity meter. The investment therefore always remains profitable.
Several Brussels municipalities grant extra premiums for the installation of solar panels.
Ask the Urban Planning or Environment department to find out whether this is also the case in your municipality.
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